This is an all types, all makes swap meet, outside sites are $20 per day for a 6x6 metre site, Indoor sites are $50 for both days. At the same venue on the Sunday there will be a Big 3 Car Show (incorporating the American Car Nationals). Spectator entry is $4 per person per day. Swap site holders can set up any time from Friday midday onwards. Open to spectators at 6am Saturday, 8am Sunday. To book your site(s) send your payment to Queanbeyan Swap Meet, PO Box 460, Queanbeyan NSW 2620 or book on the website www.qbnswap.com or ring with your credit card details. For further info or booking form please go to website www.qbnswap.com or phone 0427 267 927 (042 QBN SWAP) (between 6pm – 9pm week days or weekends between 8am – 9pm) or Email [email protected] Please look at the Swap Meet site booking map to see what is still available on our website.