Victorian Caravan and Camping Virtual Show
We all know there has been a significant change in 2020 in light of the Coronavirus pandemic, we have seen the community with travel restrictions, lockdown, and international travel cancelled for the foreseeable future. As we slowly work to come out of lockdown and restrictions, everyone is dreaming of travelling and seeing our beautiful country. And there is no better way to do than in the comfort and safety of your own caravan or recreational vehicle (RV). Now you can see all your options in the comfort of your home on line and its so easy to register.

Caravan Industry Victoria is proud to announce we are conducting the very first ever industry virtual caravan and camping show the Victorian Caravan & Camping Virtual Show and registrations are officially open to attend.
Consumers across Victoria and Australia alike get ready for one of the most interactive and engaging virtual show platforms on the market and something completely new for the caravan and camping industry in Victoria.

Rob Lucas CEO of Caravan Industry Victoria said “This is about providing consumers with the ability to continue to compare and explore everything in one place, just like they would at one of our four annual shows. Consumers can interact; chat and video call with exhibitors, watch demonstrations and ask questions, collect brochures on products they like and get the deal they are looking for.”
“We are delighted RV Online(a Leisure -Tec brand) has come on board as our inaugural partner” Says Rob Lucas CEO Caravan Industry Victoria

Paul Widdis General Manager of RV Online (a Leisure-Tec Brand said: ““We are so excited to partner with the Caravan Industry of Victoria to help bring this virtual show to life. It is an Australian and even maybe a world first for the caravanning industry and we are proud to partner with this. RV Online is all about the digital landscape and helping customers in these difficult times get access to quality products in preparation for their next adventure and it is great to see the CIV realising this shift in consumer behaviour and bringing the ‘show’ to the people.”
“With digital consumption growing during these challenging times, it is great to see such an innovative response to bringing entertainment to the consumer”
The new Victorian Caravan & Camping Virtual show will provide consumers two-way communication, one that is not just exhibitors showing consumers product, the engagement is what sets it apart, and really brings a physical show to the home or office of a consumer all in the comfort of consumers homes on line and it is open 24 hours a day whilst the show is running. So, no queue’s and its Free.

$17,000 worth of prizes are up for grabs (check the website for details), along with some great show specials to help consumers go make some memories when restrictions lift.
Join us 30 September to 4 October 2020! It's Virtual!
The official Victorian Caravan & Camping Virtual Show is presented by Caravan Industry Victoria and Principal Partner, RV Online.
To confirm show dates, register for entry and find out more details, go to: or the CIV’s social media channels @gomakesomememories